Neo-Nazi Cop Jason Dare Fired From NJ State Police

Anonymous Submission to Jersey Counter-Info

Jason Dare, the NJ State Trooper that went viral in March 2023 for both disappearing from rehab and having highly visible neo-nazi tattoos has been fired from the NJ State Police.

Jason Dare, pictured in both plain clothes and in his NJ State Trooper uniform.

Since 2021, local law enforcement agencies and the NJ State police have been compelled to put together yearly reports, that are accessible to the public, which detail all “major disciplinary” actions against police officers that have resulted in suspension or termination.

The 2024 NJ State Police major disciplinary report. A key is outlined displaying what action was taken against the officer in addition to the investigation’s findings.

After a year long “investigation”, the neo-nazi cop was quietly fired in May 2024, with NJ State Police citing multiple illegal actions and violation of division policies in their major disciplinary report which detailed Dare’s firing. Dare was originally placed on unpaid leave in March 2023.

A breakdown of Dare’s actions and what laws and division policies he violated.

As outlined in the report, prior to his admission into rehab for drug and alcohol addiction, Dare entered into some kind of plea agreement with NJ State Police, presumably for some illegal action he took while on or off-duty. The exact nature of what led Dare into this plea agreement is unknown, however, it should be noted that as the larger major disciplinary report details, as well as what national reports reflect, both on and off-duty cops have a habit of public intoxication and operating motor vehicles while inebriated.

After Dare entered into a plea deal with the NJ State Police he was sent to rehab in Delco (Delaware County PA), the same one he would eventually flee from. After fleeing the Delco rehab facility Dare reportedly broke into an unoccupied home in the area and was presumably on a bender for the next several days. At some point after he was found and returned to NJ, he used a shotgun he owned to shoot out a front window in his Vineland home. It should also be noted, that while not referenced in the description, the NJ State Police categorized one of Dare’s violations as a “uniform and grooming standards” violation. This can be surmised as a back-handed reference to his many visible neo-nazi tattoos.

Some of Dare’s neo-nazi tattoos, including his “blood honor” throat tattoo, iron crosses, and fascist inspired runes. In the picture on the right he is wearing a nazi death head shirt, or “totenkopf”, as he hangs out with friends from the NJ State Police in his free time.


Additional neo-nazi inspired tattoos including a pitbull that is identical to the PA neo-nazi gang Keystone United.

At the time in March 2023, the mainstream local media reported on Dare’s disappearance and return as copaganda, not referencing his neo-nazi tattoos or investigating the nature of his disappearance. Dare’s discovery and return to NJ was broadly covered by many local news outlets as a positive event. Since Dare’s firing however, there has been virtually zero local news coverage.

Despite Dare’s documented actions of violating a plea agreement, breaking and entering, trespassing, discharging a firearm in a residential area, putting residents at risk for serious bodily harm, and being a neo-nazi, he was only fired from NJ State Police and is not facing any criminal charges or barred from future employment as a state employee or police officer.

As antifascists we understand why this is, the state protects its agents even if they are compelled to sacrifice them in some manner. Even with this knowledge though it is still baffling to see the stark difference between how average NJ residents are treated in comparison to agents of the state. We all understand that if this was anyone else other than a cop that they would facing decades in prison and character assassination in the media.

At the time of publishing, Dare’s current employment details are unknown, but it has been confirmed that he has relocated from his prior residence in Vineland, NJ to Galloway Twp, NJ.