NJ Hate Watch: S14 Member Mathew Bair of Dover, PA

Back in May 2023, Mathew D. Bair was identified by Philly Antifa as the leader of the First Capital Proud Boys/Common Sons of Pennsylvania and a member of other PA far right groups like White Lives Matter. Bair was rightfully exposed as a Neo-Nazi and his ties to far right groups in the Tristate area were revealed. Since his initial unmasking, further information has been gathered on Bair showing that he is also a member of S14, a regional Neo-Nazi crew.

A recent photo of Bair.


The details on Bair’s organization are listed in this Telegram screen grab. After issues with the national organization and chapters Bair rebranded the First Capital Proud Boys as the Common Sons of Pennsylvania.

Bair, who goes by “Cotton Hill” on Telegram, first publicly joined S14 during the Spring of 2023. Bair quickly got acquainted with Mark Kauffman, a leader of S14, and began cross posting propaganda from different local far right organizations. He also bragged about the amount of graffiti and stickering he was doing for White Lives Matter over the Dover and York PA area.

Bair’s personal telegram account.


Here Bair is discussing some stickering he did and also making a point to get more involved in S14 activities.

At some point during this time, Kauffman and Bair got closer and began hanging out socially and doing different actions together in person.

Mark Kauffman posing while Bair takes his picture.


Bair, with his face covered doing the same pose as Kauffman. The number 88 is a nazi dogwhistle, read as “HH” (the eighth letter of the alphabet) and standing for “Heil Hitler.”

Bair was interested in impressing his peers and getting more involved in S14. When Bair’s doxx by Philly Antifa dropped in May, he used it as an opportunity to try and gloat and look tough to his fellow Neo-Nazis, declaring on the S14 public telegram channel that his address listed in the doxx was incorrect.

Bair attempting to troll antifascists and impress other nazis by detailing he does not currently live in Spring Grove, PA.

If Bair’s ego had been in check he wouldn’t have made the serious operational security (opsec) mistake of publicly mentioning that the address listed for him was wrong. Bair and his family have moved upwards of half a dozen times over the past four years, muddling their living history. He could have easily chosen not to say anything and protect his and his family’s anonymity but ultimately, Bair’s arrogance got the better of him.

Bair’s revelation enabled local antifascists to identify and confirm his actual current address: an apartment in a large multi family house on N Main Street in Dover, PA. Bair lives there with his long term girlfriend and their kids.

Antifascists were able to pull recent pictures from Bair’s family and compare them to photos from Bair’s rental history. Through a process of elimination the house on N Main Street in Dover, PA was positively identified as Bair’s current residence.

The N Main Street house’s features like doors and molding in these pictures are identical to those pictured on social media.


Additionally, the N Main Street house’s floors were found to be identical to those from social media.

For whatever reason Bair thinks the information released about him in the May 2023 doxx, including his dropped lawsuit against York PA police, prior drug arrests, his positive identification as a failed January 6 insurrectionist, and his court martial and discharge from the Marines, is a badge of honor. Bair has no sense of self reflection or preservation, as he has functionally changed nothing about how he operates, further opening up his entire family to potential consequences for his own independent actions.

An article from 2018/2019 detailing Bair’s dropped lawsuit against York PA police.


To top things off, Bair has recently been in the habit of promoting S14 and the Common Sons of Pennsylvania by directly involving his very young children and his girlfriend in propaganda. At the time of publishing it is unclear if Bair’s girlfriend has any direct involvement in either Neo-Nazi group.

Bair with his family as of July 2023, taken from a family members social media account.


Bair’s girlfriend on the left and his three children on the right. All of his children have a “nazi death head” or totenkopf concealing their identity. This picture was specifically promoted for S14 and the Common Sons of Pennsylvania’s propaganda.


A picture Bair took during one of his stickering actions for the Common Sons of Pennsylvania. Two of his children can be seen in the background.

Bair’s hubris and opsec may in fact be the worst out of the entire group, even outshining Kauffman. During the week of July 17, 2023, Bair posted a series of voice messages whining about NJ Hate Watch’s coverage of Kauffman stating verbatim “what do I have to do to be mentioned”. Bair was likely trying to act tough while sucking up to Kauffman.

Bair’s voice messages about the S14 doxxes that have been published. He also mentions the recent Southern Sons Active Club doxx, which he was also mentioned in.

Despite awareness of the continued coverage and exposure of S14’s members, the group is largely acting as if nothing has happened. This is of course on top of them being surveilled by the state (Nicholas Mucci was connected to WLM and S14 members after getting picked up by the federal government and several state agencies after a protest).

S14 members consider this a warning: With addition of Mathew Bair, five of your members have officially been identified and doxxed including Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate your members will continue to be exposed, the pressure will be increased, and there will be real world repercussions.

Send tips and information: njhatewatch@protonmail.com