Last week Idavox identified Benjamin Ryder as “one of handful of individuals that held a protest on an overpass going over Roosevelt Blvd. in support of a White child allegedly murdered by a Black woman in Ohio“. Ryder, a registered sex offender and pedophile, has been a known associate of PA area nazis for some time, having been involved in several instances of vandalism, and targeting of anarchist and Queer spaces in Philadelphia and New Jersey. Specifically, Ryder first came onto antifascists’ radar last year when he was caught stealing stickers at the Wooden Shoe, an anarchist bookstore in Philadelphia, and when he was arrested for pulling a weapon on a group of people outside the Supreme Court.

Ryder has been loosely associated with different nazi crews but his exact ties have been hard to pin down- until now. Antifascists have positively identified Ryder as a long-time member of S14, NJEHA, WLM PA/NJ, and Embrace Struggle Social Club (formerly a part of the Active Club network but the group has since disassociated).

Ryder who uses the Telegram handle @cancerousparanoia and “NAME” as his display name, has been a member of S14, NJEHA, and WLM PA/NJ since 2022/2023 when he became increasingly active in-person and friends with fellow neo-nazi Mathew Bair. Ryder has attended many in-person actions including hangouts in PA with Kauffman, Bair, Cossack, and other general members.

Below, Bair and Ryder can be seen joking around about their attendance and NJ Hate Watch’s coverage of this same hang out in 2023.
Ryder has also openly discussed his membership in the regional White Lives Matter crews, specifically mentioning their organizational structure and past collaborations. WLM PA/NJ has been in hot water with the state over the past year and a half. They have tried to distance themselves away from other WLM members like Evan Plumlee who was caught up in the J6 “insurrection” and helped invade the capitol building and Nicholas Mucci, who very recently plead guilty to a host of charges stemming from a WLM action in New Jersey.

S14, and its leader Mark Kauffman, likes to posit the group and their collaborators such as Embrace Struggle and WLM, as moralistic and disciplined crews that are against pedophilia, respect white women, and are against all forms of “degeneracy”. In the past Kauffman has booted prior members for violating these terms, but the irony here is that Ryder’s long-term membership in the crew flies in the face of these supposed principles.
Ryder has had a very public and well documented case of being a compulsive sex offender who targets both women and children. Starting in 2015 when he was 20 years old, Ryder was arrested and convicted of indecent exposure and open lewdness when he stripped naked in a McDonald’s women’s bathroom and exposed himself and followed a woman using the restroom. After this incident he served jail time and was forced to register as a sex offender; he is currently listed as a Tier 1 sex offender in PA.

Later in 2017/2018 when he was 23, he was picked up in PA for multiple instances of exposing himself to women and girls in public. In one incident his victims were as young as 12 years old, something Ryder admitted in open court.

So why does Kauffman, S14, WLM, NJEHA, and Embrace Struggle associate with Ryder and allow him membership within their crews? Despite Kauffman’s bravado, he doesn’t actually stand by any of his supposed principles by hanging out with and befriending someone who sexually assaults little girls. Most likely Ryder doesn’t view himself as a pedophile, but what do you call someone who compulsively targets children as young as 12 years old and shows them their genitals? Ryder gains sexual satisfaction from exposing himself to women and children and there are no other labels that come to mind other than “sex offender” and “pedophile”.
For the public’s safety, especially women and girls, the following information is being released: Ryder, is a 29 year old white male who lives in Glenside, PA on Pleasant Avenue. He is 6′ 3″, 185 lbs, has brown hair, brown eyes, several arm tattoos, and wears ear gauges. He owns and drives a black 2015 Nissan Rogue with a PA license plate “MJN8871”.

S14 members: With addition of Benjamin Ryder, seven of your people have officially been identified and doxxed including Jackson Bradley, Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed and the pressure will increase. You will be held accountable for the nazi pedophile supporting filth that you are.
Send tips and information: njhatewatch@protonmail.com