Meet Allen Oppenheim, 60 of Englewood, NJ. Oppenheim is a local real estate agent and zionist that has been vandalizing public property in Bergen County, NJ for the past several weeks. Oppenehim has been traveling throughout the county putting up racist and zionist posters advocating for the genocide of Palestinians.

Oppenheim has been spotted several times targeting public property including different highway entrance ramps in Bergen county. In each instance, Oppenheim has traveled by car and parked his vehicle beside the entrance ramp. He has been seen with tools like a ladder, drill, and hammer, in order to secure the pro-genocide propaganda and make it harder for the propaganda to be removed (holes are bored into trees and secured with screws and nails). Oppenheim has been bold enough to do all of this during peak daytime commuting hours, seemingly having no forethought over the fact he is vandalizing public property.

Oppenheim has been confronted multiple times by concerned residents and has gotten aggressive with people on more than one occasion. The following video is of one such encounter that was captured by a NJ community member.
Those who are concerned by Oppenheim’s actions are encouraged to contact his employer, Miron Properties by phone at 201-266-8555 or by email at The following is a script that can be used when contacting Miron Properties. This article and its included pictures and video can also be shared as evidence to back up the script. “Hello, I am calling to get in contact with Mr. Allen Oppenheim’s direct supervisor due to concerns over his conduct. Mr. Oppenheim has been seen around the Englewood NJ area and other parts of Bergen county vandalizing public property and putting up signage with hate speech on it. Are these actions endorsed by Miron Properties? What steps are you taking as an organization to address Mr. Oppenheim’s behavior?”

Despite Oppenheim’s prolific activity, NJ residents have been quick to spot his handy work and have taken down much of the propaganda he has put up.

Zionists of NJ: your propaganda, racism, and genocidal actions will not be tolerated in our communities and those who proliferate it will be held responsible.