Princeton University Campus Targeted in Solidarity With Palestine

Anonymous Submission to Jersey Counter-Info

Over the past few weeks in May 2024, autonomous groups of individuals have been strategically targeting monuments and buildings across the Princeton University campus in solidarity with Palestine. In at least three separate instances locations on campus such as the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) fountain, Robertson Hall, and Nassau Hall were vandalized to call attention to the ongoing Palestinian genocide and Princeton University’s culpability in it.

The SPIA fountain dyed red and the words “pretty town bloody gown” written on the front of the building.


Princeton University cops and employees in front of the SPIA fountain “investigating”.


A banner placed in front of the SPIA fountain reads “we say no to genocide”.


Two lions and the walkway in front of Nassau Hall were defaced with red paint. The text reads “tragic accident genocide denial”.


On of the lions that was defaced in front of Nassau Hall.

These recent acts of solidarity have been reported on by Princeton Israeli Apartheid Divest (PIAD), highlighting the attempted pivoting by the University to ignore the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Princeton University has made a major effort to shift focus to the current graduation season and away from their investments in the zionist entity and their abuse and repression of Princeton students.

PIAD’s coverage of Nassau Hall action.


PIAD’s coverage of the SPIA fountain action.

Princeton University can try to hide its crimes and pretend its own settler colonial history is a thing of the past but like the autonomous groups of individuals have pointed out, no one is buying it.