In March 2024, zionists held a real estate event in Teaneck NJ advertising the sale of stolen Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank. Zionists from the tristate area (NY, NJ, PA) showed up at the synagogue that was hosting the illegal land sale to attempt and counter the massive protest against the event.
While the zionists were vastly outnumbered by the 600+ protesters, there were a number of them that stood out for their racist behavior and attempted assaults on pro-Palestinian protesters. Some of the stand out zionists were originally covered by NJ Hate Watch in March 2024, more reading on them can be found here.
Since the March 2024 illegal land sale event and protest, additional zionists from the event have come out of the woodwork due their alarming behavior towards pro Palestinian protesters. Antifascists have been working to identify each of these individuals to ensure they are held accountable.
Two such zionists, who used hate speech and their vehicle to target a Palestinian community member, have been positively identified as Shterny and Yosef Glick of Teaneck, NJ.

In the video, which is divided into a part one and a part two, Yosef Glick can be seen erratically driving down a Teaneck side street with Shterny hanging out of the sunroof roof on their van. While this is happening Shterny is yelling expletives at the Palestinian community member while holding an Israeli flag, trying to coax him into the street.

Yosef continues to drive and Shterny goads and threatens the man, drawing him into the street.

As the Glicks get closer, the Teaneck NJ police pull up and put distance between the two parties. Shterny tries to argue with the police and her and Yosef are threatened with a summons if they do not leave the area and stop their actions.

Shterny attempts to argue more with the police but is shut down and eventually gets into the passenger seat of the van next to Yosef. The police then threaten the Palestinian man who was targeted by the Glicks with a summons.

Based on the Glick’s actions it’s clear they were rapidly escalating their harassment of the man they chose to target.
While actions like this can be expected, given the genocidal settler colonial context in which they happen, it is surprising to learn that people like the Glicks act this way in full view of the public without concern for potential consequences. It’s possible they were emboldened given their background as wealthy people used to the public eye.

Shterny Glick, is one of the daughters of a famous and well connected zionist rabbi, Shmuley Boteach. Boteach gained fame and wealth in the late 1990’s through his career as an author and later became the host of a popular TLC show detailing his life. Boteach gained connections and opportunity in Hollywood and even became close friends with alleged pedophile Michael Jackson. Boteach has also run different zionist non-profits for years that have the goal of spreading zionism and attacking anyone critical of Israel. Notably, Boteach is friends with Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is one of his most ardent public supporters.

Boteach has made a point over his career to keep his children in the public eye and encourage them to take on public pursuits.

Boteach regularly supports his children’s careers and helps them achieve success through his own financial support. Currently, Shterny Glick is the head of a consulting agency called Light Nation Media LLC. Limited public information exists about the business, but most recently in 2022 the company sued TV personality Dr. Oz for not fulfilling a contract. Oz is a longtime friend of Boteach and Glick’s company was contracted for work during his campaign for senate. Glick has used her father’s connections and wealth to benefit herself, and her entitled attitude and actions in Teaneck, NJ in March 2024 could in part be explained by this.
Additionally, Boteach has instructed his family to attend and document other pro-Israel events in Teaneck, NJ to help further push genocidal propaganda, push settler colonial violence, and prop up the state of Israel.
Shterny Glick’s husband, Yosef Glick, also known as Yossi, is a graduate of NY Medical College and married Shterny a few years ago. Yossi Glick is originally from Brooklyn and attended medical school there, graduating in 2022. In 2023 he entered a radiology residency program at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and is currently in his first year of residency.

It’s shocking that a newly licensed medical doctor brazenly threatened a fellow human being when he swore an oath to protect and help others. Why is a Rutgers University resident doctor engaging in behavior that could very easily end in serious bodily harm?
Yossi Glick’s actions bring up many questions about his fitness as a doctor at Rutgers University. Community members are encouraged to reach out to the residency coordinator and the residency assistant at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School by phone or email.
Their information can also be accessed directly on their website.
The following script can be copied and pasted or read over the phone: “Hello, I am reaching out to inquire about a recent incident that occurred in the Teaneck NJ area regarding a first year radiology resident Yosef Glick. In the video, which I can provide, Yosef and his wife are seen driving erratically and harass a young Palestinian man. Yosef’s actions and escalation can be regarded as a bias crime and could have resulted in serious bodily injury. Yosef’s actions stand against everything Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and the medical profession is about. I would like to request a formal review of Yosef’s standing as a first year resident in the radiology department and would like to know what steps Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is doing to protect NJ residents. Thank you for your time.”
Zionists of NJ: The Glick’s and you will not be allowed to continue to terrorize Palestinian communities and pro Palestine supporters. Your racist genocidal actions have consequences.
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