Stolen Palestinian Land Is Not For Sale: Upcoming Protest in Teaneck, NJ

Republished from Teaneck For Palestine

On Sunday March 10, a synagogue in Teaneck will be hosting a real estate sale auctioning off Occupied Palestinian land. This event takes place every other year- and it has for YEARS. Since the Flood in October, Teaneck’s council and zionist cohort have shown where they stand through their berating of our students and the unilateral passing of a resolution claiming that the town stands with the occupiers.

However, the truth is this is NOT where the people of Teaneck stand! We are not just anti-zionist but PRO-PALESTINE. Our actions and demands are always led by our love and solidarity for the people of Palestine! Join us in protest against the illegal sale of stolen Palestinian land!

Bring your flags, signs, drums, and mask up. Keep our community safe from covid-19 and surveillance! Meet up will be announced closer to the date, so stay tuned.