Back in 2020, Jackson Bradley was identified as a member of Dan D’ambly’s Neo nazi group NJEHA. In 2021, it was similarly discovered that Bradley was Patriot Front’s point of contact in Philadelphia and the main culprit behind White Lives Matter PA’s Telegram channel. Since his original doxxing in 2020 and 2021, Bradley has taken a step back from the public eye keeping a low key profile, deleting his Facebook account, tightening up his online security, and trying to wipe his presence from the internet. He has now been positively identified as a member of a local Neo nazi crew, S14.

A more recent public report on Bradley from 2021 stated that he had been using the alias “Jesse Herring” online and was last spotted in Philly with other Neo Nazis like Jovi Val. Due to new information submitted to NJ Hate Watch, it has been confirmed that this reported sighting and details about Bradley’s online activity are inaccurate.
The actual Neo Nazi that was documented and pictured is Wisconsin native Jesse Herring. As Bradley retreated from public view he probably thought he got lucky for being misidentified for Herring. The irony here though is that Bradley and Herring know each other and run in the same circles of fascists.

Since he was misidentified as Herring in 2021, not much new information has been publicly documented on Bradley. While Bradley clearly took his operational security more seriously than other identified S14 members, like Mark Kauffman and Mathew Bair, he ultimately failed to obfuscate himself too.
Bradley fell back into apps like Telegram and Gab and began to make more in-person Tristate (NJ, PA, NY) area connections. Bradley made a number of shell profiles on Telegram in an effort to prevent potential identification. Unfortunately for Bradley, he failed to fundamentally change anything about his posts, communication style, and how his profile was constructed. So while Bradley would bounce from profile to profile, antifascists were able to keep a thread on him due to these identified factors.

Antifascists were also able to put together a bigger picture to Bradley’s background and history as a fascist and white nationalist. According to Bradley, and verified by antifascists, he is a lifelong Philadelphia resident who has deep family ties to the city. Bradley currently lives on Elfreth’s Alley in Philadelphia with his family.
Bradley has an interest in Philadelphia “white history” and is very attached to historically white neighborhoods in the city. Bradley often rambles about “diversity” and how non-white, Jewish, and LGBTQ+ Philadelphia residents are ruining the city. He also frequently talks about how Philadelphia and south western PA should be reclaimed for white people .

Bradley’s ire over the racial make up of Philadelphia as well as his history of racist and bigoted actions show that is he poses a danger to racialized and other marginalized individuals.
Bradley has been a white nationalist for over seven years, meaning he became one while in high school as a young teenager. Bradley attended Hill Top Preparatory School during his middle and high school years, eventually graduating in 2017. He then attended Cabrini University in PA and graduated with a BA in History in 2022. Prior to and since graduating college Bradley has worked several different jobs including seasonal work and manual labor.

Hill Top Prep is an expensive private school that specifically serves students who have unique educational needs, like autism and ADHD, that often do not have the same resources as those who attend public schools. Similarly, Cabrini University is an expensive small private Catholic university, with a large endowment. After graduating from college Bradley does not appear to have used his degree to obtain employment, instead choosing to work seasonal jobs and other positions that he is “overqualified” for. Given all this information on Bradley, it’s clear he comes from wealth and has family money/resources that he relies on.

During 2022 when he was finishing up college, Bradley connected with Mark Kauffman and Stephen Quest’s burgeoning group, the now rebranded National Socialist Youth Alliance (NSYA). Bradley in fact became one of the first on-the-ground Tristate members of the NSYA and attended their premiere rally in January 2023 in Hamilton, NJ.

When the NSYA eventually split from Stephen Quest’s leadership Bradley followed Kauffman over to his newly formed offshoot organization, S14. Since S14’s launch, Bradley has made himself useful to the group providing design work and other computer based support. He helps to put out the groups propaganda and report backs from their pop-up rallies. Because of this, Bradley has been present at most of S14 and NJEHA’s events. Notably, Bradley likes to wear the same/similar gear to each of these rallies to try and conceal his identity, almost always wearing an American flag face covering.

Bradley was also present at NJEHA’s failed Princeton, NJ rally over this past summer and helped push their propaganda after the fact.

Additionally, Bradley has been known to hang out with Mark Kauffman and other PA based Neo nazis to do fascist flyering and stickering across Philadelphia and south western PA. This includes activity in Fishtown and the Ridley, PA white supremacist flyering action which is currently being investigated by the state and covered by local news media.

Bradley has also revealed that he is quite prolific in his online connections and relationships with other Neo nazi groups in the US, including NSC 131, well known white supremacists, and several different “Active Clubs” including chapters in Las Vegas and PA.

Overall Bradley is quite prolific and has many different tendrils to other white nationalists and fascists across the US. Bradley has been able to be so active and bold in his day to day life because he has family resources (money) to fall back on and has weathered previous “attacks” from antifascists. Any guise of safety is now over.
S14 members: With addition of Jackson Bradley, six of your people have officially been identified and doxxed including Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed and the pressure will increase. You will be held accountable for the nazi filth that you are.
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