A week ago zionists held an illegal real estate auction of stolen Palestinian land at Keter Torah Congregation synagogue in Teaneck, NJ. The event drew almost 1,000 pro-Palestinian protestors and around 100 zionists bent on furthering their settler colonialist aims in occupied Palestine. While event numbers on the zionist side of things were low, a number of particularly vile individuals revealed themselves.

As of March 19, 2024 they have been revealed as: Jacob Falach of Nashville TN, Filmaker Paula Eiselt of Teaneck NJ, Elana and Yaakov Zachter of Teaneck NJ, Ariel Checkik of Teaneck NJ, and Daniel Miller of Teaneck NJ.
Paula Eiselt is a prominent filmmaker from Teaneck NJ who recently directed “Under G-d”, an abortion rights film.
She brands herself as a progressive for all women but for some reason chose to verbally harass Palestinian women and children on March 10, 2024. Eiselt doesn’t care about female victims of genocide so it’s a wonder she has been given a platform to direct movies about “feminist” issues.

Elana and Yaakov Zachter of Teaneck NJ are very involved in their community, having been honored as leaders at their synagogue.

It’s shocking they have leadership positions given how they verbally harassed protestors, including children, telling them to “fuck off” and “suck my dick”.

Concerned community residents are encouraged to contact Yaakov and Elana Zachter’s place of worship, at (201)244-5905 and speak with administrative staff about their behavior and positions of leadership within the temple.

Ariel Checkik of Teaneck NJ is a recent college grad who has had leadership positions within Jewish youth organizations.

It’s alarming he has been given roles like these, especially when he engages in racist harassment.

Jacob Falach of Nashville TN, is a former Teaneck NJ resident and current student at Lipscomb University, a conservative private Christian college. He is a far right commentator, writer for the Daily Wire, wannabe Instagram influencer, and Ben Shapiro follower who advocates for the genocide of Palestinians. During the protest he kept flashing death numbers of victims of the Palestinian genocide and goading Palestinians about how Israel “should have finished the job” in 1948.

Dan Miller of Teaneck NJ attended the illegal land auction and harassed protestors after he left the event. Miller is a vice president of finance at Tillman Infrastructure.
Why does a man who conducts himself like this have such a high up position? Concerned community members are encouraged to contact his employers at Tillman Infrastructure in New York City and as why a man who engages in both verbal harassment and violates international law has his position at https://www.tillmaninfrastructure.com/contact.