Rutgers New Brunswick Chabad House To Host War Criminals For October 7 Zionist Propaganda Event

Anonymous Submission To Jersey Counter-Info

Content Note: This article contains references to war crimes and racist language.

It has been almost a year to the date since the Palestinian Resistance launched a coordinated series of actions to liberate Palestine and its people from Israel (which will hereby be referred to as the Zionist entity) and reclaim their land and autonomy. Over the past 12-months the world has witnessed the Zionist entity commit genocide, displace millions, destroy entire communities, inflict atrocities against Palestinians, and attempt to expand its colonial grip within the occupied West Bank, Gaza, occupied Syria, and Southern Lebanon. With each passing day the Zionist entity seems to grow bolder, shamelessly touting its actions while it receives billions of dollars in US funding and weapons.

The American state and Zionist organizations have used every opportunity, in New Jersey and across the US, to paint the Zionist entity and its citizens as victims. This is evident from the many rallies, events, and digital, printed, and radio-based propaganda campaigns that have occurred over the last year. North and Central Jersey have been the primary focus for Zionist organizers and organizations who have hosted illegal West Bank land sales, “hostage” propaganda rallies, and racist Zionist marches. As the anniversary of the Palestinian Resistance’s bid for liberation nears, Zionist organizations across New Jersey are similarly poised to host events aimed at upholding the Zionist entity’s victim narrative and its colonialist aims.

Rutgers New Brunswick Chabad House, is slated to host one such event that encompasses multiple locations on Rutgers New Brunswick University’s campus on October 7, 2024. This is no surprise, as Chabad House is a part of a large international organization that often pushes Orthodox Zionism through college campuses. Similarly, Rutgers New Brunswick is known for its connections to the Zionist entity, Zionist and racist University policies, and efforts to dismantle the Palestinian liberation encampment during the Summer of 2024.

The October 7 2024 event features two zionists, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) war criminal Aaron Bours and fascist Daniel Danon.

The event is planned to start on campus at the Zimmerli Art Gallery (Voorhees Mall) at 5pm on October 4, 2024. It’s important to note that this portion of the event is being hosted in the same location that the Palestinian liberation encampment was just a few months ago. Aaron Bours, IOF war criminal, is scheduled to speak for an hour and a half, after which a march to Rutgers New Brunswick Chabad House, located at 170 College Ave. will take place. Once at Chabad House, Daniel Danon, an Israeli fascist politician, is slated to speak from 7pm to the close of the event.

Aaron Bours is a 34 year old Long Island native who is a Reserve IOF member that currently lives in so-called Tel Aviv with his wife. Bours works as an executive for Artificial Intelligence (AI) start up Hyro and previously worked for the Zionist propaganda organization The Friends of the IDF.

Two of Bours’ social media accounts which provide detailed information about his life.


Recent photos of Aaron Bours.

After Bours graduated high school in 2009 he decided to sign up and join the IOF as a “lone soldier” prior to attending college. Bours spent 2009 to 2011/2012 in the IOF reserves where he was a part of a unit in the Givati brigade, a notorious infantry brigade that was formed in 1947 that helped initiate the Nakba and the brutal mass killing of 60 Palestinians in Abu Shusha. Bours spent his time in the IOF doing military drills, terrorizing Palestinians, smoking, drinking, and partying with his fellow soldiers.

Bours documented his time in the Givati brigade extensively on social media, including his racist hatred of Arabs and Palestinians. In the photo on the bottom left he can be seen desecrating a stolen Palestinian and a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) flag.

Bours’ documentation of his time in the Givati brigade on social media reveals his penchant for racism and his hatred of Palestinians and Arabs.

The picture on the left and top right are two racist social media posts that reflect Bours time in the IOF.

In the picture above, the Hebrew text post from Bours’ social media discusses his units activities for the day specifically referring to Arabs and Hamas as “monkeys”. As the bottom right photo evidence shows, the term “monkey” or “sand monkey” is an extremely racist epithet weaponized against Arabs and Muslims.

After his time in the IOF Bours’ continued to echo racist and genocidal sentiments on social media. In one instance he revealed that his actions and beliefs were not isolated to himself and included his family. In a bizarre post honoring his grandmother who died in 2012, Bours joked how she loved to use racial slurs up until her death.

In another instance in 2014 he made a post about how he supposedly understood an Arab perspective about the “conflict in the Middle East”, which ended up being a racist troll. The video depicts an elderly Arab man giving a speech which then abruptly cuts to a goat screaming. The video is unabashedly racist and dehumanizing, as it equates Arabs to animals (goats).

Despite moving on to a civilian career at Hyro, after the events of October 7, 2023, Bours returned to his role terrorizing Palestinians and rejoined his old unit within the Givati brigade. Bours’ prior time in the IOF very obviously crafted him into a racist genocidal sociopath, so it makes sense that he swiftly decided to rejoin. Upon rejoining, Bours’ unit was sent into Gaza and was immediately ambushed by Palestinian Resistance fighters. Bours unit took heavy casualties with the unit officer being killed by a sniper and Bours and other soldiers being shot multiple times.

A Zionist propaganda story about Bours participating in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Bours went on medical discharge after being shot and did not return to Gaza after recovering. He was branded a hero by the Friends of the IDF and the Zionist propaganda machine and has been on virtual and in-person speaking tours since his recovery.

The other speaker, Daniel Danon, is a high ranking well-connected fascist politician and diplomat of the Zionist entity. Danon has had a long career in far right politics and is a member of the Likud Party, or National Liberation Movement, a far right majority party within the Zionist entity. Danon is also a former leader of the World Betar Organization. The Betar movement was a Jewish fascist youth movement that was originally founded in the 1920’s, and has since been re-conceptualized into different organizations.

Daniel Danon.

Since the events of October 7, 2023, Danon has been especially rabid, pushing for the genocide of Palestinians and using his political power to murder anyone that stands in his way. In November 2023, he insinuated in a Twitter post that he would get any journalist, who published photos or information about October 7, put on an internal government hit list.

Both Bours’ and Danon’s actions over the years make their presence on campus at Rutgers inappropriate. The event and their presence on campus cannot be tolerated.

Individuals are encouraged to both reach out directly to University staff and leadership prior to October 7, 2024 and show up in-person to shut down the event day of. As mentioned earlier in the article the event begins at 5pm at the art gallery at Voorhees Mall.

The following script can be used in the body of an email or directly to Rutger’s online complaint form with this article provided as evidence. “Hello, I am a concerned NJ community member. It has come to my attention that Rutgers New Brunswick Chabad House is planning on hosting Aaron Bours, a proven racist and IDF soldier who has participated in ongoing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, and Daniel Danon, a fascist far right politician, on campus on October 7 for an event. The speakers and Chabad House intend to use University property to espouse hateful rhetoric and racist propaganda. I have included credible evidence regarding the mentioned allegations against the speakers and request that the University cancel the event happenings on campus as it violates Rutgers anti-racism policies and commitment to racial justice. Why are self admitted racists who participate in genocide involved in sponsored on-campus events?”

Rutgers staff and leadership to email: Anne Newman- Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Jeff Broggi- Associate Dean, Student Care and Support,, Michelle Jefferson- Director of Student Conduct,,

General Rutgers Contacts to email:,,,

Rutgers online complaint form:

Additionally, individuals are encouraged to reach out to Bours’ employer Hyro directly with the following script to inquire why a self-admitted racist and war criminal is allowed in an executive leadership role. “Hello I am reaching out due to a concern I have over Aaron Bours, the Chief Marketing Officer of Hyro. Bours has a long history of racism which has been recently covered in the attached article. What is Hyro’s (or Macquaire Group’s) anti-discrimination policy and do you endorse Bours actions and online activity?”. Hyro and its main investor, Macquaire Group, can be contact at the below listed email.

Hyro’s general contact to email:

Macquaire Group contacts to email:,,