Hillsborough Fascist Terry Beck Leading Nationalist Protest, 6/18/22 in Bedminster New Jersey

Anonymous submission to Jersey Counter-info

Local fascist Teresa “Terry” Beck, of 21 Bloomingdale Drive Apartment 5c at the Kimberwyck Village Apartments, is back at it again this weekend in Bedminster, New Jersey. Terry is hosting a nationalist protest “Save America, Save our Children, Save our Freedoms”  Saturday, June 18, 2022, at the Clarence Dillon Library 2336 Lamington Road from 9am to 1pm. Earlier this week, she and a dozen others attempted to attack a pride event at a school in Red Bank. We already know Terry is a well organized fascist and follows through on her threats. Given the nationalist and bigoted catch all language in the event description this is likely a free for all hate event.